
What does it do?

  • Patent Drafting
  • Patent Application Automation
  • Intellectual Property
  • Legal Document Generation
  • Flowchart Generation

How is it used?

  • Upload patent claims via web app to generate application components.
  • 1. Upload claims w/ browser
  • 2. Generate specs & figures
  • 3. Customize phrases & profiles
  • 4. Export to Word & Visio
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Who is it good for?

  • Patent Agents
  • Patent Attorneys
  • Inventors
  • In-House IP Counsel
  • Solo IP Practitioners

What does it cost?

  • Pricing model : Unknown

Details & Features

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PatentPal is a generative AI tool that automates the creation of patent application documents. This software simplifies the patent drafting process by generating specifications, figures, and other essential components with minimal user input, significantly reducing the time and effort required for patent application preparation.

Key features:
- Flowchart Generation: Automatically creates flowcharts to illustrate methods described in patent claims.
- Block Diagram Creation: Produces block diagrams to represent systems and devices, enhancing invention visualization.
- Detailed Descriptions: Generates comprehensive descriptions of the created figures, ensuring thorough documentation of all visual elements.
- Abstract and Summary Generation: Drafts abstracts and summaries that support all claims, strengthening the patent application.
- Document Input: Allows users to upload documents directly into the browser for claim input.
- One-Click Generation: Enables users to generate specifications and figures with a single click.
- Export Options: Provides functionality to export generated drafts into Word and Visio (or PowerPoint) for further editing and submission.
- Phrase Customization: Allows users to customize generated phrases and view real-time updates in the specification.
- Multiple Profiles: Supports creation of multiple profiles for instant switching, enabling tailored drafting styles for different patent types or clients.

How it works:
1. Users upload their documents and claims directly into the browser-based interface.
2. The AI processes the input to generate necessary components of the patent application.
3. Users can customize the output by adjusting phrases and creating profiles.
4. Generated content can be exported into compatible formats for further editing or submission.

Word, Visio (or PowerPoint)

Use of AI:
PatentPal employs generative artificial intelligence to automate the creation of patent documents. The system uses advanced natural language processing and generation techniques to produce coherent and detailed patent specifications.

Target users:
- Patent attorneys
- Patent agents
- Inventors

How to access:
PatentPal is available as a web application, accessible from any device with internet connectivity.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Patent Drafting, Patent Application Automation, Intellectual Property, Legal Document Generation, Flowchart Generation
  • Who is it good for?
    Patent Agents, Patent Attorneys, Inventors, In-House IP Counsel, Solo IP Practitioners


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Pricing model: Unknown


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