Todoist is the world's #1 to-do list app, leveraging AI to help individuals and teams organize and prioritize their tasks.
CO/AI members are eligible for two months of the Todoist Pro plan for free.
With you everywhere Use Todoist’s top-rated apps, extensions, and widgets on any device or platform.
Never miss a thing Focus on the right things at the right time with tasks, projects, due dates, and reminders.
Customizable features Make your to-do list your own with filters, labels, priorities, templates, and more.
Understands human language Add tasks and due dates like “read the news every week day at 7AM” in just seconds.
Connect with your other tools Link Todoist with your calendar, email, voice assistant, and 90+ other tools.
Pro members also get access to premium content, our AI tool leaderboards, practical AI playbooks and more.